
I'm Ashley
I'm in my mid twenties
I have a wonderful husband
I have a beautiful two year old son
I'm a teacher  ... of art
I love my Job
I live in an 100 year old home
I have two crazy cats, and one doting dog
I love to run, but that has fallen by the wayside lately
I have way more clothes than any one person could ever need
I love to thrift, see above.
I love my family and spending time at both lake houses
I love to create art, drawing, painting, printing, etc...
I drive a stick
I live in a crooked house
I think that helped my kid to roll over faster
I have recently become obsessed with twitter...  ETA  and Instagram.
I don't need another online obsession
I pumped exclusively for my son for 7 months
I love being a mother
I am an awkward person.  All the time.
I have become a crier.  Thank you motherhood
I am happy, loved, my heart is full....