My beautiful, wild, special, gorgeous boy...
He was born June 10th, 2010
He was a very petite 5lb. 12 oz only two days early. (WTH? Still don't get it)
He was born with the cord around his neck, and very blue
He has since flourished into an incredibly active and sweet little boy
He is walking
He is talking
He is blowing and giving lots and lots of kisses
He has never been a good sleeper
He has always had an amazing temperament
He has had enough hair to have a mohawk since the day of his birth
He thrived off of breast milk only for seven months
He had to go to an inhome care center at five months when mommy went back to work
He spends all school vacations, summer vacations, and holidays with mommy.
His mem is obsessed with him
His entire family is obsessed with him (narcissistic mommy here folks)
He has had four hair cuts and just turned one
He is cloth diapered about half the time
He is over the moon for his two cats and dog. Actually, he's obsessed
He loves to tackle his cats and ..... loves to 'share' his dinner with his dog
He could be talked about forever by his Momma if she wanted to.