I love my job, even though I’ve hated the recent budgetary issues and pink slippage. I love it for many reasons…
Summers off with my baby.
Vacations with my baby.
Holidays with my baby.

I guess the trend is the time off, I admit it, I love it. I also love that day in, and day out I’m doing what I love. Creating art with others.
This year is a bit different for me as it is July 18th and I still don’t know what school I’m going to be teaching at this coming school year. My city is in budgetary turmoil, and has been for the past six months. I thought I was going to come out of it unscathed, with job in hand (not much of a crazy thought as I have five years in the system). But, I was very wrong. This May I received a pink slip, a reduction in force notice, that I wasn’t going to have a job in the fall. How scary when we have a child, a mortgage, and bills to pay. I never thought I was going to be one of those people that was unemployed (how judgmental on my part).
I did the whole thing, applying everywhere, interviewed at one school only to lose the position to a friend from college, and applied for unemployment. Losing my job was incredibly disappointing as my husband and I literally just came off the Birth control boat and were ready to give Harrison a sibling.
Fate works in odd and amazing ways, and last week the mailman hand delivered a certified letter to me reinstating my job. I literally jumped and yelled out in joy.
What sweet sweet relief to have my job back.

Now I can go back to having my
Summers with my baby
Vacations with my baby
Holidays with my baby
All while having a job I love.